Demo import problem

Server Configuration

The most common problem is the timeout issue which is caused by a low-value set to some PHP configurations. See here for more info

Make these values higher than the default. Example:

  • max_execution_time = 300
  • max_input_time = 300
  • upload_max_file_size = 256M
  • post_max_size = 256M
  • memory_limit = 256M

These values are not perfect and it depends on how large of an import you are making. So the bigger the import, the higher the numbers should be.

Long Time Import

In case if the import takes longer than normal and you don’t see the progress bar change, most probably importing stopped. You should look at the solution below.

Class ‘XMLReader’ not found

This means that your hosting server is missing XMLReader – one of the very common PHP modules and it has to be enabled before any import functionality will work on your site. Please contact your hosting company and ask them to install that for you.

Server Error 504 – Gateway timeout

This means, that the server did not get a timely response and so it stopped with the current import. What you can try is to run the same import again. If you get the same error, you can try to run the same import a few times. A couple of import tries might finish the import till the end because your server will be able to process the import data in smaller chunks.

Error 0 or Error 2

Sometimes you may see, that demo import stopped with “Error 0” or “Error 2”. This happens when the server drops the connection (it happens on 1 server of 10 and we still can’t find a normal workaround). This is not a big problem, you may still try to import the demo on your own.

To resume the import process, you just need to reload the demo import page and click on the import button again. Usually, we made this about 10-15 times (depends on the server config).

In case if this solution will not work for you, please, create a support ticket, we will be happy to help you.

Manual Demo Import

If you can’t change server configurations, you can try to import demo data manuallyRead here how.

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