6 January 2022
- updated dev dependencies
- fixed forum buttons styles with svg icons
- fixed link color of forum activity date
10 November 2021
- fixed js obfuscator config error
- fixed plain videos displaying thumbnail after pause
- fixed JS error when accessing localStorage in the iframe with Incognito mode
- fixed popup login form click to active tabs was not prevented
- removed deprecated jQuery ‘ready’ event listener
22 October 2020
- Updated vendor scripts and styles
- Updated dev packages
5 May 2020
- Updated vendor scripts and styles
- Updated GSAP to v3 (changed all Godlike scripts, where used GSAP)
- Updated dev packages
17 December 2019
- improved store cart table on small screens
- updated vendor plugins
- fixed carousel stuck on mobile devices
- fixed social network image size
- fixed tables text color
- fixed eslint and csslint errors
10 December 2018
- fixed sticky navbar + opaque content jumping
- fixed YouTube background suggestions showed
- updated vendor plugins
27 August 2018
- changed cursor images to SVG
- changed Gulp config for developers
- improved some styles added border radius to buttons
- added hover opacity to carousel dots
- changed accordion +/- icons to >
- changed border width in image boxes circles, video play icons, carousel arrows, tags buttons
- fixed prev/next arrow icons style
- fixed visible progress bar on the background video
- fixed plain Vimeo videos hidden Fullscreen button
- fixed header bottom text position
- fixed link-effect-1 button with icons
- fixed search bar height (+ all input heights)
13 August 2018
- updated plugins
- fixed plain video YouTube play for Chrome (again)
12 July 2018
- fixed plain video YouTube play
1 June 2018
- added more attributes for background video
- changed background audio to HTML tag (like background video)
- fixed IE header content vertical center
- fixed FulllScreen navigation in IE
- fixed plain video on mobile devices opens only once
- fixed background video/audio pause on FireFox when focused iframe
- updated FontAwesome to 5.1.0
19 March 2018
- added FontAwesome 5 support
- reverted back the feature to prevent background video pause when clicked on iframes
- updated vendor plugins to the latest versions
13 January 2018
- updated Bootstrap to 4 RTM
- added plain videos deffered loading (iframe loaded only after user click on video block)
- improved development stack (added stylelint, added confiration files for some packages)
- fixed some eslint and stylelint warnings
- fixed smooth scroll in navigations on iOs
- fixed summernote styles
- removed jquery-form dependency, used $.ajax instead
12 January 2018
- restored icons in html files
12 January 2018
- fixed background video resize on slow connection
11 January 2018
- added support for background Youtube and Vimeo videos
- fixed revolution slider assets urls
- removed self-hosted videos and used Youtube instead
8 January 2018
- Be careful, there are a lot of changes
- updated Bootstrap 4 to Beta 3
- added gulp tasks for developers with SCSS, JS (ES6) + Webpack, HTML Nunjucks templates
- added background music loop option in godlike-init.js
- added break-words styles on body
- updated /php/contact.php file. Usage example in documentation https://nkdev.info/docs/godlike-html/php-features/ajax-contact-form/
- fixed preloader image flickering
- fixed background music/video pause if iframe focused
- fixed header title on the profile/posts page in Edge
- fixed img tags height on iOs devices
- fixed preloader closing in Safari when back button clicked
- changed all background images to tags with object-fit style
- removed Bower. Used npm packages instead
- removed feature, that set location hash when scroll to anchor (in some situations it was bugged)
2 September 2017
- added pausing background video and audio when browser tab is inactive
- added ESlint config and changed js files in /src/js folder
- changed sharing block centering code to flexboxes
- changed logo to svg
- fixed fullscreen headerjumping in Chrome
- fixed swipe navigation in Chrome
- fixed header height and content overflowing
- fixed position for dropdowns (covers in container)
- fixed preloader undefined background image
- fixed preloader sprites stretch on different screen sizes
- fixed navbar jumping when open cart or login form
- fixed sharing block z position (under navbar)
- fixed left sharing block when enabled left navigation
- removed some unused code and plugins
12 April 2017
- added social network pages
- added Game Promo demo one page
- added landing page
- added classic and grid news list styles
- added login / registration form in navbar
- added product quantity + and – buttons
- added icon buttons (search, cart, sign form) in main left navigation
- added accordions “+” and “-” icons
- hide sharing buttons once body overflowed (when showed cart or sign form)
- fixed vimeo plain videos in Firefox
- fixed iOs scroll to anchor animation
- fixed accordions collapsed class
- fixed vertical centering for side and full menus
- fixed header-title table layout (some content was not properly sized)
- fixed nav-togglers size
- fixed IE10 cart product image size
- minor fixes and changes
6 March 2017
- migrated to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6 (be careful, some of the classes was changed)
- updated the most of plugins in assets/bower_components folder
- fixed dropdown position in fullscreen and side navigations
- fixed bottom padding for carousels with dots
- fixed sticky sidebar and content bugs (going down under footer sometimes)
- fixed scroll to anchor when used no valid hash
28 January 2017
- added background audio autoplay option
- added option for navbar to disable hover effect (.nk-navbar-no-link-effect classname)
- added top margin for post tags
- changed video plain on mobile devices (open url in new tab).
- fixed shortcuts toggle when they are disabled (by tapping O key)
- fixed equal height when inside tags (sometimes content goes under footer)
8 January 2017
- improved comments on mobile devices
- increased performance for the most of animations
- fixed preloader animation error if you want to disable only close or only show animations.
- fixed search input bug on iOS (search block closed when you try to write something in the input)
- fixed store cart show list of products on mobile devices
- fixed progress bar percent position
- fixed summernote modals style
- fixed error in jQuery 3
- fixed flickity carousel in store products (sometimes blocks got wrong height)
- minor fixes
24 November 2016
- improved readability for navbar items and buttons (added font-weight: bold)
- fixed post author block clearfix
- fixed from validation prevention with attribute novalidate
- fixed audio play after ending
- fixed twitter function to add links in text
- fixed video block play icon position on small screens
- fixed mobile navbar if there are 2 mobile navbars
- fixed mega menus parse for mobile navbar
- fixed disabled inputs styles
- fixed select options text color
- fixed search icon “squared” circle 🙂
- minor changes
13 September 2016
- added 3 columns gallery demo – https://html.nkdev.info/godlike/gallery-3-col.html
- added documentation for preloader
- added documentation for page background video
- added loading spinner to plain videos
- improved preloader link click function. More correct now
- fixed instagram and twitter error when running on local
- fixed black screen in Safari when click back button
- fixed forum single topic for small screens
- fixed hamburger icon color on light navbar
- fixed header and footer parallaxes
22 August 2016
- Addedinitial release