4 March 2022
- fixed broken select control in Customizer options in Kirki v4
29 March 2021
- fixed displaying page scrollbar, when opened Visual Portfolio popup
1 July 2020
- added support for Visual Portfolio v2.0
- ! important – change all your Filters, Sorts, and Paginations to “Minimal” style
- fixed tabs error in PHP 7
- fixed HTTP links in header
22 July 2019
- fixed theme ID in dashboard (were unable to activate the theme and update it)
18 July 2019
- added changelog and documentation urls to dashboard
6 June 2019
- fixed styles for the latest Visual Portfolio plugin version
16 April 2019
- fixed full navbar for iOs 10
- fixed carousel dots colors and offsets
- fixed pagination
- fixed top navbar items vertical center
- fixed navbar sticky position
- fixed carousel first page loading
- fixed video plain video play error
- fixed header centering in IE
- fixed iOs menus smooth scroll
21 August 2018
- added support for Envato Elements
- fixed smooth scroll to anchor
- fixed bropdown class typo
- fixed flex navigations in IE
- removed unused shortcuts
- prevent Kirki to load JS fontawesome
13 October 2017
- added Initial release