23 January 2023
- updated WooCommerce templates to 7.x version
- fixed menu login dropdown autoopen on startup when form is autofilled
- fixed BuddyPress invitations pages render
- fixed BuddyPress form input colors
2 May 2022
- fixed variation product add to cart action
- fixed products short description displaying
- fixed checkbox styles in WooCommerce checkout
- fixed displaying original and sale prices of products
27 August 2020
- updated vendor scripts and styles
- updated WooCommerce templates
- fixed Custom JS escaped symbols
- fixed conflict with plugin “Change Quantity on Checkout for WooCommerce” (wrong output for product name in cart)
- changed WooCommerce simple product Add to Cart button (moved price outside of button)
- disabled WPBakery frontend editor
- removed unnecessary string from WooCommerce checkout form login
2 August 2020
- Fixed posts shortcode load more button rendering
30 July 2020
- added support for shortcodes on 404 page text and in footer connect socially text
- fixed custom colors compilation error
- fixed BuddyPress activity page reload after click on textarea
- fixed BuddyPress deprecated filter usage
- fixed WooCommerce login form styles
20 July 2020
- added support for
attribute in shortcodes - added shortcodes support in footer text
- added
function usage - added support for Sociality plugin v2
- updated WooCommerce templates from v4.3.0
- fixed custom filter for mega menu
- fixed carousel stuck on mobile devices
- fixed tabs and accordion php7 error
13 December 2019
- fixed PHP errors when enabled Youplay Core plugin without Youplay theme
- Fixed product shortcode pagination
- Fixed product banner image size on mobile devices
- Fixed Revolution Slider metabox selector (for some reason on some hosts not working properly)
- Fixed Google Fonts API key in Option Tree plugin
- Fixed http and pingback header links
- Removed undefined variable usage from archive
22 August 2019
- fixed fixed php errors when enabled Youplay Core plugin without Youplay theme
22 July 2019
- fixed theme ID in dashboard (were unable to activate the theme and update it)
19 July 2019
- fixed banners output if no banner shortcode available
- fixed pages content clearfix
- fixed sticky post pin icon
- fixed archive post duplicated date
- removed “Show Comments” options to meet Envato Requirements. Most propably you will need to enable/disable comments on pages manually. See example here https://docs.presscustomizr.com/article/51-how-to-enable-or-disable-comments-for-page-in-wordpress
17 June 2019
- updated vendor scripts and styles
27 May 2019
Don’t forget to install new plugins from Appearance > Install Plugins after theme upgrade
- added metabox for custom banner image on Product page
- changed WooCommerce archive isotope layout to simple grid with flexboxes
- updated WooCommerce templates to the latest version
- updated FontAwesome (now uses SVG)
- fixed bug with hidden Opt-in checkbox
- fixed buddypress request membership button
- fixed non-working WooCommerce account buttons
- fixed buddypress group header name show
- removed OptionTree from the theme, now need to install separate plugin
- removed all widgets and shortcodes, now need to install separate plugin
1 August 2018
- fixed Read More button position in posts list
24 July 2018
- fixed WooCommerce escaped price output
- fixed top margin in the angled images rating
- fixed php error for ‘youplay_product_sharing’ function
19 July 2018
- added table styles in product attributes
- changed style for variable product price
- fixed double “Clear” button in variable product
- fixed style for rating in products widget
- fixed accordion line height
17 July 2018
- added Sociality plugin support (likes and sharing now work only using this plugin)
- updated WooCommece templates to support v3.4.3
- improved code to meet new Envato requirements
- fixed woocommerce header styles
- fixed WC get_cart_url error notice
- fixed bbp-default enqueue error
- fixed BuddyPress v3.x PHP errors
- removed code for maintenance mode
- removed some WooCommerce and BuddyPress helping PHP code and use CSS and JS instead
1 May 2018
- fixed WooCommerce variable products image change
3 April 2018
- updated included vendor plugins to the latest versions (jarallax, flickity, moment)
- fixed navbar cart width when the item title is long
- fixed read more button link in recent posts shortcode if in post content used other shortcodes with posts
19 March 2018
- fixed menu save php error
16 March 2018
- added support for WooCommerce Products per row option
- fixed youplay_get_image function to work with internalized characters in url
- fixed navbar registration modal open
- fixed fullscreen header size on small screens
- fixed navbar login preloader animation
12 March 2018
- custom styles now requires nK Theme Helper plugin
- moved theme dashboard to the nK Theme Helper plugin
- added new image sizes and changed some older. Please, regenerate all image sizes using this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
- added banner and footer background image parallax speed option (changed default background image scaling level, your image may be scaled a lot)
- added settings for image sizes in carousel shortcodes and in archive options
- added possibility to disable banner on match pages
- added Design Options tab to all Visual Composer shortcodes
- added navbar description hide transition
- added top and bottom paddings to banner content
- added break words on body
- added styles to show color picker text input in theme options
- improved social pages horizontal menu (draggable now)
- improved navigation login form offsets on mobile
- updated FontAwesome to 5 version
- updated templates for WooCommerce 3.3.x
- changed carousels to Flickity plugin:
- added new settings
- changed images carousel with Style 4. Now you need to manually set carousel size to 1 and change stage_padding and item_padding options
- changed images carousel with Style 5. Now you need to manually set carousel size to 6 and disable arrows
- changed star ratings to work with width style property
- changed navbar hover effect on dropdown menu items
- fixed theme options usage on shop categories pages
- fixed select optgroup text color
- fixed gallery popup if on the page added more than 1 gallery
- fixed navbar container offset
- fixed banner parallax option on single match page
- fixed BuddyPress settings save button click alert
- fixed woocommerce germanized plugin cart title output
- removed maintenance mode options from the theme. Use plugin instead
- removed the most of rtMedia templates. Used styles to make basic support for it
- deprecated nK Banner shortcode. Use Advanced WordPress Backgrounds plugin instead
- deprecated nK Text shortcode. Use default VC text shortcode and nK Box for container if you need it
23 January 2018
- fixed Google Fonts selector in theme options
- fixed structured data for some templates
7 November 2017
- added loop option in carousel shortcodes
- improved custom CSS and JS including
- updated templates to support WooCommerce 3.2.3
- fixed dropdown closing when login form input focused
- fixed itemprops w3c validator warnings
- fixed bbpress content lists ol and ul stylings
- fixed some WordPress unit tests
- fixed posts list title to (h2 used now)
- fixed navbar position on small screens when showed admin bar
- removed skewed borders from forums (no useful)
- removed experimental SEO options (better use SEO plugins)
26 October 2017
- added theme option for small logo
- fixed multiple [product_page] shortcodes on the page
- fixed metaboxes bug on the shop page
- fixed rtMedia upload button in comments
- fixed conflict with asgaros forum plugin
31 August 2017
- added support for WooCommerce 3.1.1
- added logo widgth option
- added footer widgets size options
- improved left sidebar on mobile devices (moved under content)
- fixed WooCommerce widgets price filer and top rated products
- fixed WooCommerce product_page shortcode
- fixed translations
4 July 2017
- fixed WooCommerce templates to support 3.1 version
- fixed vertical centering for forum icons
- fixed php notices in admin plugins page
- moved hardcoded JS initializaition code to js file
5 May 2017
- fixed WooCommerce single product page button with price
25 April 2017
- fixed BuddyPress possibility to remove sidebar
- fixed WooCommerce reviews sending without rating
18 April 2017
- added support for WooCommerce 3
- fixed navigation cart badge and total value in some situations (for example, when you use caching plugin)
13 March 2017
- fixed pages left and right paddings
11 March 2017
- improved demo import
- fixed BuddyPress users list overlapping
- fixed WooCommerce payment form on account order page
- fixed WooCommerce payment terms checkbox position
- fixed WooCommerce account page navigation styles
- fixed content paddings
- fixed some admin strings translation
11 January 2017
- fixed variable product “select options“ button on shop page (prevent add to cart, follow to product page)
24 November 2016
- added support for fifth and sixth footer social buttons
- improved Query options in Recent Posts and Posts Carousel shortcodes
- fixed alt attribute on logos, carousel images
- fixed notification count show in some cases when user is no logged in
- fixed recent posts widget save state for checkboxes (in admin side)
- fixed banner image visibility when banner image opacity is set to 100%
- fixed BuddyPress user nickname show when disabled Activity Streams component
20 October 2016
- fixed BuddyPress error in navigation when disabled notifications component
- fixed cart and checkout coupons and totals update
28 September 2016
- updated theme dashboard
- fixed updater retrieve download link after activation
14 September 2016
- added informative icons for shortcodes
- added BuddyPress links and notification count to profile dropdown in navigation
- added custom registration url option for navigation login
- fixed black screen in Safari when back button pressed
- fixed recent posts shortcode Boxed option with option Style = 3
- fixed fade between pages code (stop if some of plugins prevented clicks)
- fixed php notice undefined index on mega menu change
21 July 2016
- added compatibility with WooCommerce 2.6.3
- fixed BuddyPress compose message page error
7 July 2016
- added WPML languages selector for navigation (see options in Youplay > Options > Navigation > WPML)
23 June 2016
- updated TGMPA plugin for security reasons
- updated WooCommerce custom widgets
23 June 2016
- added Support for WooCommerce 2.6.1
- added Basic support for rtMedia plugin
- added Support for timezone in countdown shortcode and in maintenance mode
- added Compatible with Nav Menu Roles plugin
- added Demo import for RevSlider and WooCommerce settings
- added Schema markup for posts ratings
- added Helper code for WPSEO plugin to fix titles in BuddyPress pages. Thanks Destac
- added Align property for button shortcode
- changed Scroll to script works only for links in navbar and buttons
- fixed Style for bbpress editor link popup
- fixed Navbar login “Remember Me” conflict with login widget
- fixed Error when no access to nkdev.info api
- fixed Error “Record not found” after demo import on pages with RevSlider
- fixed ot-loader.php error
20 May 2016
Required plugin nK Themes Helper (should be installed if you want to import demo data, compile custom styles and use twitter / instagram shortcodes and widgets)
- added Anime and Shooter demos
- added Theme admin dashboard. Now you can update theme directly from admin panel
- added Mega Menu
- added Boxed content option
- added Twitter shortcode and widget
- added Instagram shortcode and widget
- added Testimonials shortcode
- added Pricing Tables shortcode
- added Title shortcode
- added Box shortcode (to make content inside boxed)
- added Widgetized Footer
- added Stage and item paddings options for carousels shortcodes
- added Buttons shortcode MD size, colors: black and white
- added Big banner shortcode size, parallax speed option
- added Navbar small size option
- added Smooth scroll to page anchors
- added Banners opacity option for custom styles selector
- added Support for GD bbPress Attachment plugin
- improved Performance improved (less memory usage)
- improved Typography options (now you can select Google Fonts for all headings)
- improved All plugins updated
- improved Add / Remove footer image
- improved Toggle Footer parallax
- improved Toggle Header parallax
- improved Custom style color changer (when you select custom color scheme, all values changed to selected scheme)
- improved Custom skewed items allow negative values
- changed ClanWars moved to separate plugin
- changed Comments and Reviews style
- changed Separated logos for Navigation and Preloader
- fixed Tabs shortcode in WordPress 4.5
- fixed Dropdown navbar for mobile devices (first click – open dropdown, second click – open link)
- fixed Visual Composer video widget conflict (wrong video height)
- fixed Registration modal on small screens
- fixed Carousel controls style bug when added owl carousel styles (or added Visual Composer Post Grid)
- fixed Google Font family usage in theme options
- fixed Carousel shortcode boxed option
- fixed Custom Background color calculation (more accurate now)
- fixed Masonry items collision
- fixed Scale image calculation (when skew size is 0, image will not be scaled)
- fixed Fade between pages for video popup
- fixed Carousel items blinking
- fixed WooCommerce billing country and state selector
- fixed WooCommerce shipping calculator selectors
- fixed BuddyPress commentator name (Kristen Bradley)
- fixed BuddyPress loading activity timeline in header
- fixed BuddyPress confirmation box when clicked on register button
- fixed BuddyPress registration page error messages
- fixed BuddyPress pages layout options (layout, title, banner, etc)
- fixed bbPress reply modified notice font size and avatar size
- fixed bbPress single reply styles
- fixed RTL style in navbar bug
16 April 2016
- added compatibility with WordPress 4.5
- updated Revolutions Slider and Visual Composer to the latest versions
- fixed BuddyPress compose page JS error
- fixed rev slider on product pages
4 March 2016
If you using custom colors, after theme update don’t forget go to Youplay Options and click Save button.
- added autoplay for carousels
- added links on features
- added links on angled images
- added option to disable navbar
- added option to show logged-in user name in navbar
- added WooCommerce 2.5.3 compatible
- improved parallax banners performance improved
- fixed woocommerce variable product image change
- removed cover option from banners (covered by default)
17 February 2016
- fixed WooCommerce checkout error
- fixed fade between pages error when disabled preloader
17 February 2016
- added WooCommerce 2.5 support
- added infinitie scroll in YP Recent Posts shortcode
- added login form to navbar
- added fade between pages support (Enabled by default in Youplay Options > General)
- added taxonomies select (categories, tags, etc…) in posts and posts carousel shortcode.
- added Open Graph meta in header (share buttons works better)
- added count attribute in posts carousel shortcode
- added option to enable/disable ClanWars functionality
- added hexagon for review posts in Blog Style 3
- improved navbar
- in collapsed version all dropdown closed and togglable
- changed style for mobile menu (not full width), transition from right
- added animation to hamburger icon
- fixed margins on items in mobile menu
- fixed add to cart button ajax
- fixed ajax comments reply
- fixed BuddyPress registration, activate pages styles
- fixed BuddyPress comments, messages list styles
- fixed BuddyPress user profile page styles when disabled Extended profiles
- fixed WooCommerce checkout page login form (login isn’t working)
- fixed image offset for posts style 3
- fixed background color for active and focused buttons
- fixed angled images margin inside
- fixed footer clearfix (sometimes users add specific content and footer block were hidden)
- fixed select options color in firefox
12 January 2016
- fixed In Stock bug with WooCommerce (quantity changed to -1 after purchase item)
- fixed bbPress video embed
- fixed bbPress reply version log styles
- removed IE classes from html tag
- removed unused wp customizer options
23 December 2015
- fixed BuddyPress errors when extended fields don’t enabled
- fixed old PHP errors
21 December 2015
- added BuddyPress support
- added Clan Wars
- added support for custom sidebar select on each pages
- added countdown shortcode
- added target attribute for button shortcode
- added support for video popup in carousel 3 and 4 style
- changed post tags to links
- fixed titles on single pages (h2 tags changed to h1)
- fixed href for images in 5 style of carousel
- fixed tabs when 2 tabs on pages with the same tab names
- fixed wordpress image align classes
- fixed bbPress reply error
- fixed top banner size when show admin navbar
- removed badge from single product pages
8 November 2015
- added Maintenance mode
- added RTL languages support
- fixed pagination when used posts shortcode on main page
- fixed WooCommerce grouped and variable products
- removed deprecated Visual Composer functions usage
15 October 2015
- fixed hexagon in post review (php errors)
- fixed hexagon color for all theme styles
- fixed child theme
- fixed yp-tabs shortcode (not working without ID)
7 October 2015
- added WooCommerce 2.4.7 support
- added review ratings for posts
- added shopping cart to navbar
- added like button for posts
- added new image carousel style (Partners block in main page)
- updated Visual Composer to v4.7.4
15 September 2015
- added images opacity options in custom styles options
- added -webkit- prefixes for custom theme styles
- updated Revolution Slider to 5.0.8
- updated Visual Composer to 4.7
- improved child theme
- fixed default form fields text colors (not youplay styled)
- fixed carousel inside posts
- fixed some errors in youplay options with php < 5.3
26 August 2015
- fixed some WooCommerce issues
25 August 2015
- added WooCommerce 2.4.x support
- added background image option. Parallax or static background. Demo here – https://wp.nkdev.info/youplay/background-image/
- added custom icons for footer social buttons
- fixed FireFox JS error (removed css-shapes-polyfill)
- fixed quantity woocommerce input in FireFox
- fixed mobile menu – 768px screen width bug
- fixed woocommerce checkout fields placeholder on focus color
12 August 2015
- added custom query and some small options for YP Posts Carousel and YP Recent Posts shortcodes
- updated Revoluton Slider to 5.0.3 version
- updated sliders from demo site
2 August 2015
- updated plugins
- fixed no-image in YP Posts Carousel shortcode
- extended YP Recent Posts shortcode – now you can use all post types (not only Posts)
18 July 2015
- added Initial release