19 June 2023
- fixed menu cart widget in WooCommerce v7.8
4 March 2022
- fixed broken select control in Customizer options in Kirki v4
13 August 2021
- fixed custom post type container size
- fixed customizer styles bug in WordPress 5.8
- fixed side image when using the left main navigation
18 April 2021
- fixed gap before content if no featured image available
- fixed fullpage scroll down button centering
- fixed Skylith Visual Portfolio fade effects conflict with popup gallery script
- minor changes
20 August 2020
- Fixed blocks toolbar wrong position in editor
13 August 2020
- Fixed customizer color picker error in WordPress 5.5
13 August 2020
- Fixed custom colors rendering errors with the latest Themes Helper plugin
6 July 2020
- added support for Visual Portfolio v2.0
- ! important – change all your Filters, Sorts, and Paginations to “Minimal” style
- fixed HTTP links in the header
- fixed customizer colors section display if the theme is not activated
27 April 2020
- FIXEDSlider block background images cover
15 April 2020
Please, don’t forget to re-save all your pages, where used Ghost Kit blocks, it was changed in v2.12.0
- added support for WordPress v5.4
- added support for Sociality v1.2.0
- added support for Ghost Kit v2.12.0
- added previews for all custom Skylith blocks in Editor
- added image overlay option for Fullpage and Slider blocks
- improved styles in Editor
- updated Jarallax and Fontawesome scripts
- MOVED Customizer Typography settings to Ghost Kit > Typography
- FIXED columns background align full
- FIXED dark footer widgets links color
- FIXED long navigation logo width on small screens
- removed Kirki plugin from requirements (you may safely remove it from your site)
- removed Contact From 7 from recommended plugins (you may use Ghost Kit Form block https://ghostkit.io/blocks/contact-form/)
11 March 2020
- fixed HTTPS links in header
- fixed Ghost Kit column fullwidth script calculation
17 October 2019
- Added option to show/hide featured image on single pages
- Fixed Ghost Kit Animate on Scroll feature
- Fixed Typed Words glitch in Safari
10 September 2019
- updated demo files
- changed lazy blocks to support Autoptimize images lazy load
- fixed Ghost Kit icon box align left and right styles
24 July 2019
- added styles for Ghost Kit button with icon only option enabled
- added preloader logo size 256 and 512 if changes width of logo
- added changelog and documentation urls to the theme dashboard
- fixed WooCommerce double wrappers (with duplicate IDs)
- fixed Visual Portfolio pagination string options
- fixed Ghost Kit templates in the latest Gutenberg
20 March 2019
- added pre-made templates for Gutenberg and Ghost Kit
3 March 2019
- fixed Gutenberg editor UI fonts change
18 February 2019
- disabled automatic plugins activation after install
- fixed demo import data (changed images to placeholders)
30 January 2019
- added license activation
30 January 2019
- added Initial release