13 March 2024
- fixed support for AWB plugin v1.12.2
8 January 2023
- fixed WooCommerce template array to string conversation in PHP 8
29 December 2022
- updated WooCommerce templates to the latest version
10 November 2022
- fixed PHP error appeared because of strict PHP rules on some hosts
5 March 2022
- fixed broken select control in Customizer options in Kirki v4
- fixed khaki core check for used template
12 July 2021
- added function khaki_cpt_init to allow users overwrite it inside child theme
- added wp_body_open function support
- changed icons in Social Links widget
- removed unnecessary attributes from style and script tags
- fixed search bar closing on iOs devices
- fixed Posts List image displaying
- fixed possible php warning in mega menu code
- fixed Core plugin version
21 April 2020
- added support for WooCommerce 4.0
- added support for Sociality 1.2
- fixed links in header to use https
- fixed accordion and tabs shortcode error in PHP 7
23 December 2019
- fixed Side Navigation Show default option
- fixed js error on undefined variables
- fixed https profile and pingback links in header
- changed bbPress styles deregister function to wp_dequeue_style
22 July 2019
- added clearfix after content of all post types
- added changelog and documentation links to documentation
- moved comments Edit link next to post date
- fixed some envato theme check warnings
29 May 2019
- updated WooCommerce templates to 3.6.0
- updated theme according to Envato Requirements
- fixed linkedin social icon
- fixed js variables for sticky admin bar script
- fixed WooCommerce pages display on mobile screens
- fixed WooCommerce Shipping calculator. Now we used default WooCommerce shipping-calculator template
21 April 2019
- fixed video backgrounds play
- fixed main menu and a mobile menu both show at the same time
27 February 2019
This is major theme update, many things were changed:
- changed overall styles
- updated Ionicons plugin, changed a lot of icon classes (it may be broken on your existing pages)
- added Khaki Core plugin and deprecated old shortcodes and widgets plugins
- added background video background support for headers
- added Google Fonts if Kirki plugin is disabled
- updated WooCommerce templates to support 5.x version
- updated vendor scripts
- changed main color
- changed social widget styles
- changed navigation links styles
- changed navbar dropdown effect and position
- changed buttons rounded corners size
- changed side buttons style
- changed post continue reading link style
- changed page nav styles
- changed side buttons hover effect
- disabled top menu by default (enable it in Appearance > Customize)
- fixed navbar user dropdown open if form input focused
- fixed navbar dropdown going to the window corner
- fixed sticky navbar + opaque content jumping
- fixed header bottom text centering
- fixed fullscreen menu width jumping
- fixed add to cart number input size in FireFox
- fixed quick view styles on mobile devices
- fixed plain YouTube video play
- fixed code to meet Envato requirements
- fixed navigation position with admin bar
- fixed WooCommerce notice position
29 July 2018
- added clearfix after post content
- added styles for default WP galleries
- updated WooCommerce templates to 3.2.0 version
- fixed WP calendar text color
- fixed WooCommerce cart table
- fixed WooCommerce loop view on mobile
- fixed notice about undefined primary menu object
- fixed WooCommerce add_required_star_to_placeholder function
- fixed options for shop category and tag pages
- removed unused plugins
3 October 2017
- added additional check for the menu (so that the parents of the active element are also active)
- fixed Kirki 3.0.10 deprecated notices
4 September 2017
- moved widgets to separate plugin (install it from Appearance > Install Plugins)
- added cart and login form support in left navbar
- added Light Search option
- fixed bbPress shortcodes output
- fixed bbPress avatar possibility to change it with 3rd party plugins
- fixed WooCommerce shortcodes output
- fixed WooCommerce small cart widget buttons
- fixed portfolio tags output
- fixed login form height when showed errors
- fixed navbar icons cropping
- fixed navbar visibility when sharing block opened
28 July 2017
- moved theme dashboard to plugin
- moved AWB plugin to wordpress.org
25 July 2017
- added Initial release